See what leading figures in fitness, sports, health and entertainment have to say about our products

Matt Henckler

Store owner

Matt is one of the owners of Exotic Superfoods. ESF has been serving the rawfood community for the last fifteen years. Matt has been eating a raw food diet for the last twenty years.

Paul Nison

Health Author

Paul is the author of 8 books. He has been featured on The Food Network and in several magazines and newspapers around the world. He travels the world giving lectures on the raw food nutrition and raw food prep classes to show people how easy and fun the raw life can be.

Doreet Dijke

Rawfood Chef

Doreet is the Creator & Host of The Elegantly Raw Show on the Jane UnChained News Network and the Climate Healers' Food Show on Dr Sailesh Rao's Climate She is also the author of Celebrating Our Raw Nature Books 1 & 2 and known for her very creative and nutritionally inspiring recipes and her work with celebrity clients.

Download Doreet’s new recipe book for free: 12 ElegantlyRawDoreet Recipes